i know this isn’t my first time reblogging this post to this blog, and it probably won’t be the last. Stay educated.
It’s really unbelievable that people don’t want to vaccinate their kids. It’s the stupidiest thing in the world.
we need to translate this
Sì, qualcuno di buona volontà si prodighi davvero…di buona volontà e con un minimo di competenze grafiche, ché se lo facessi io userei MS Paint e i suoi inguardabili font.
Yea.. My mom has refused to let me, or of my siblings get vaccinated. She even went as far as to CLEAN THE WHOLE KITCHEN WITH BLEACH after a friend of hers cane over after getting a vaccination. She’s anti-anything that has to do with doctors, or any medication that isnt “organic” or “natural”. I plan on getting vaccinated as soon as possible, because iTS THE FUCKING SMART THING TO DO. DONT BE THAT PARENT WHO DOESNT LET YOUR KID GET A SINGLE SHOT IN THEIR LIFE, LIKE MY MOTHER.