Fuck, my sleep schedule does naturally fall into the 4am-12 pattern, doesn’t it
What fucking else about ADD/ADHD don’t I know?
Do you sit weird in chairs? Apparently that’s one.
Does criticism really REALLY really upset you, to the point that you get upset and consider walking away from whatever the thing you were criticized for was?
Is your sense of time utterly fucked?
Oh fuck. I was recently diagnosed but all of these things have been true my whole life lol
Imagine my surprise when I had this plus all the standard symptoms and got diagnosed at 31! *Fingerguns*
More Adult ADHD symptoms that people don’t know:
- “Hyperactivity” can include chattiness, or an obsessive focus on one topic that you’ll happily go on about for hours in a conversation with *anyone* at the slightest provocation (last week someone brought up pockets in women’s clothing near the end of a small-group workout session and I may have spent the rest of the session giving an impromptu lecture about pockets while doing hammer curls)
- Zoning out and staring off into space because you’re thinking really hard about something and then not noticing that people are talking to you
- Hyperfocus is a symptom of ADHD. There’s this pervasive myth that folks with ADHD can’t pay attention but sometimes the problem is you can’t leave something alone.
- Random impulsive shopping sprees that leave you wracked with guilt can be part of ADHD
- Interrupting or talking over other people
- P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N (because you can’t feel bad about failing a project that never gets started)
- Worrying that you’re going to get fired every time your boss wants to speak to you privately (this is a sign of rejection sensitive dysphoria and emotional hyperarousal)
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got the attention to look up for now so ttyl, if you think you may have ADHD check out some of the blogs dedicated to it, read up on symptoms, and talk to your doctor, bye.
Everybody who thinks they might have ADHD go read about dyspraxia holy fuck.
Super common symptom: Left/right confusion.
Everybody raise your hand if you developed a mnemonic as a kid where you flexed your right arm to remember which was right and which was left and kept that into adulthood because I’ve now spoken to three people who have a half-second “right-flex-okay-it’s-this-one” “left-flex-okay-it’s-the-other-one” process for figuring out which is right and which is left.
Oh my god. When I was being taught right-left as a kid my dad bought me a ring to put on my left hand to help me remember. To this day when I think right-or-left I run my left thumb against my ring-finger to confirm that it’s left even though i haven’t worn that ring for over 35 years (!!!).
I have so few of the popularized symptoms of ADHD and so many of all the less-known ones associated with it that l have no idea if I qualify for a diagnosis, but I’ve got to say it’s a bit of a relief to know how many other people have these issues at all. Like…it’s not just me??
Oh thank ghu there is someone else out there who reads these symptom lists and goes “well, that all sounds familiar, but I don’t have the Important Signs, so I can’t diagnose.” B/c I don’t want to claim something I don’t have, but at the same time some of the pieces fit…
Same. I never know if these things are unique to a particular issue, or universal but people wont fess up, or just me.
And I reflexively have to put my hand on my heart to know right from left..but….your left hand makes an L when you look at your index finger and thumb. My son taught me that one.
This is part of why get a diagnosis was a relief. I had an explanation for all the odd behaviors, and i wasn’t just lazy or stupid.
ADHD tends to have a genetic component and while I don’t think my paternal side has it, I do know my maternal grandfather couldn’t tell left from right, so I wonder if it maybe it came from that side.
Yep, another person who has difficulty with left and right over here. I’m better at it, at age 32, but sometimes I still double-check by turning my left hand into an L.
Also weirdly, when I was in the Navy, Port and Starboard was easy. I think it’s because port and starboard are not arbitrary nor do they change based on which way you’re facing. On a plane or a ship, the nose is the front, port is on the left, and starboard is on the right. Always. Doesn’t matter if you’re looking at the tail of the plane, the port wing is still in the same place it was when you were looking at the nose of the jet.
Thats a good point about port and starboard and I found the same thing to be true.
Also I totally do the L thing too. If i have to give directions in a car from the passenger seat i tend to point left and tap the window for right because if i try to verbally tell you left or right I will probably get it wrong.
For my grandpa it was ‘papa’s side (driver’s side, so left) or B’s side (since grandma sat in the passenger seat)”