

John “nothing ever happens to me” Watson scrolling through the app store as if a miracle is stored in fucking Google play, suddenly seeing Pokèmon Go advertised and being like “:o my childhood” and downloading it hoping it’ll make him get out of the apartment and make him happy

And then theirs fuckign Sherlock, who has been following every new Pokemon shit since he was 8, downloading the game the second it comes out and immediately leveling up like crazy…. Both of them walking through the streets of London, Sherlock in extreme concentration n John just kinda amused at the silliness of chasing down Pokemon in London when they both hit foreheads bc neither of them were looking up, and after both apologizing and saying “ow” they look at each other and just Stare…… Both knowin they just met their soulmate

John “awkwardly flirtious” Watson like “do you…. Need a flatmate” like Immediately without thinkin and Sherlock Staring and then blurting out “if you win a battle against me then we’ll split the rent 40/60” and John like “you’re on”

Both trying really weakly at first and not really putting their spirit into the battle but having fun just being near one another like :o, John is in awe of how far Sherlock is leveled up and is like “what can you do when you’re that far?” and Sherlock like “*suppressed excitement to show off to this hot military guy* let me show you”

Sherlock just casually destroying John and after he thinks about it he realizes that sometimes hurts people’s feelings so he’s like “sorry that was bad to do to a beginner im sorry” but John only reponding with “that was… Amazing” and Sherlock going “!!!!!!! WAIT LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT ELSE I CAN DO !!!!!!” and John loving all of Sherlock immediately as they walk to Baker Street to check out the flat…….. That is where their pokè romance begins

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