i can rest easy
Older forms of English kept Latin’s gender-specific suffixes -tor and -trix; tor is for men and trix is for women. So a male pilot is an aviator, a female pilot is an aviatrix. A male fighter is a gladiator, a female fighter is a gladiatrix.
This contrasts with the modern system, where tor is for both men and women, and trix are for kids.
@dovewithscales @ocoree @fossilsofadryptosaur @gallusrostromegalus suffer with me
name one native american intellectual off the top of your head, name one native american actor or actress off the top of your head, name one native american senator, one native american news anchor, or an author or a tv personality or a singer or a poet or a comedian, name a single native american teacher you’ve had, can you? probably not
ok so now think of one native american cartoon character you know of or a sports team relating to native americans whether it’s their actual name or their team logo, or a town you live in or near with a “native” name bet a lot of these things came to you right away i bet you didn’t even have to think
needing native representation in media, education and government are not decoy issues, the commercialization and appropriation of native cultures are not decoy issues, the lack of native representation is institutional oppression at work
White people specifically need to reblog this, I don’t CARE if it makes you uncomfortable–that’s the point. Listen to Native voices about Native issues PLEASE
via ift.tt
The source
Condition your teacher to get the fuck out of the class
Think about this in the context of performing feminity. So many women deny that they have been influenced to shave, wear makeup, wear heels, etc and claim they do it for themselves. But when you are receiving compliments and are getting treated better when you do those things, you are definitely being influenced.
Same with Diet Culture. You claim to do it for yourself but you get treated better then thinner you are – fat people are treated much better if they explain that they are losing weight or dieting.
@sinfuldesires-z omg
I’m going to think this way for a while.
I’m going to stop selling myself short.
This is why when people go “oh hey wanna look at my art? I MEAN IT’S SO BAD I DID SUCH A TERRIBLE JOB” my first instinct is to just tell them “nah, I’m good”
I really hate self-deprecation. It does you no good. It does me no good. Stop it.
I find it really interesting and a bit relieving that people are identifiying with the boy in this image set and not making the typical niceguy comments.
You’ll be happy to know that there’s more to this than what’s been shown here; behold!
: 3
#Awww#this scene is 10x cuter ;-;#thanks Ren
Concept art for Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective (1986)