Coming into a fandom early and watching it become an angry clusterfuck
Being in a dormant fandom that suddenly comes alive again after a new book/movie
Don’t forget about those who come in the midst of a fandom war.
Accuracy at its best
Being in a fandom and not even knowing there’s a war going on…
all of this shit…lol
When You’re Not In The Fandom But You’re Nosy AF
When you get into a fandom only to discover it’s dead
This gets better every time I see it.
Being in a dead fandom…
Or being in such a tiny fandom that it feels like youre the only one
The accuracy hurts.
Being in a fandom that had a shit ending.
When you’ve been fangirling long enough, you’ve experienced all of the above.
Being in a fandom meant for kids.
This just gets better..
When you realize that joining the fandom has ruined you
Fandom hell in general
This^^^ just… ALL OF THIS.
Being in so many fandoms that you don’t even know what’s going on
Trying to recruit people to your fandom
Annnnnnndddd it’s back
Being in a fandom which has so many antis
I’ve probably reblogged this before, but that was before these great additions.
Being in a fandom that actually works together
Why is this so true? All of it.
being in a fanbase but all your mutuals suddenly turn into Kpop blogs
I always enjoy it when a good post comes around again and has been improved by the reblogs like the years for a fine wine.
Being in a fandom when shit goes down and everyone has different opinions
When you are in a fandom and don’t care for others people opinion…..even if they are right…(believe me, I have met several of those)
Being in a fandom you never meant to join
I love this. and it’s gotten better
Getting into a fandom just for the drama and not for the actual thing
This is 56 different kinds of accurate. Oh, and funny as hell.