


An author I love: i’m so sorry for not updating, please accept my apologies, life has been busy at the moment and i just didn’t have time to write, so sorry for making you wait-

Me, gently cupping their face in my hands: My friend. My dude. I’m the kind of idiot who waits years for the new season of a show. Who gets excited about the new part of a book series that hasn’t been published in a decade. Do you seriously think i’m not gonna be there cheering for you when you come back? That my support is dependent on you regularly publishing updates? That you owe me anything? No no no no no. I’ll love you whatever you chose to do. So go on having fun and living your life you gorgeous being <3


Me when an author I love stops updating: I hope she’s too busy either writing original fiction and getting published because she’s so talented and deserves to earn all the money for her amazing stories, or just living her best life because she’s amazing and deserves all the good things.

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