okay these are all the doctors in chronological order in the current canon
everything was normal until John Hurt, who was a secret incarnation of The Doctor introduced retroactively in 2013
this incarnation didn’t call himself The Doctor during his life, because he didn’t feel like he lived up to the title
so despite Christopher Eccleston being the 10th incarnation of the Doctor, he was still referred to as The 9th Doctor
during one of David Tennant’s episodes, he gets shot by a dalek for the first time ever and is forced to regenerate, but decides not to change his face by siphoning the regeneration energy into his own disembodied hand which is a fucking long story
the short of it is that David Tennant regenerated into himself
David Tennant, known as the 10th Doctor, was actually the 11th and 12th incarnations of The Doctor, but was still known as the 10th Doctor for his whole tenure
so now we’re on Jodie Whittaker right
is known as the 13th doctor, because John Hurt wasn’t called The Doctor and David Tennant was still called the 10th Doctor even when he was the 11th and 12th
but technically she is the 15th incarnation of The Doctor and could just as easily be called the 15th Doctor
PUT SIMPLY,,,,,,,,,,,,
Jodie Whittaker plays the 15th incarnation of The Doctor, who has the 14th unique face of The Doctor, but is called the 13th Doctor because John Hurt and the David Tennant Two: The Re-Tennanting don’t count in the number order