I double dog dare you, Tumblr, to leave some kind of comment on every story you read on AO3 this November.
You don’t have to compose a sonnet, or make offers of marriage, but I challenge you to take the minute of your time required to type one sentence of feedback into the comment field after you’ve read any story you didn’t completely hate, and tell the author something about what your experience of reading their work was. Two or three words is all it takes, if you’re feeling shy – “I liked this” or “This was good”
Something to let the author know that you recognize their efforts, that you are at least on some level aware that they entertained you, or at least kept you occupied for a little while, and that these comments are the only pay you’re ever going to be asked to give up for it. The only pay these authors are going to get. Recognition. From you.
When you think about how many hours of entertainment you get from reading fanfic every week, it’s not so much to pay, really.
So click the comment button. Use your words. Give a fan writer some encouragement to keep doing what they do.
I dare you.
cosigned, especially if it’s (a) a fic with little to no comments on it, &/or (b) if it’s an older fic. (a) because comments count on those fics even more than you’d think (as on rarepair fic and in smaller fandoms), and (b) because I’ve always noticed that there’s an initial surge of comments on fics that dwindles fast, and knowing that older fic holds up past the first blush of enthusiasm is just nice.
It’s now the 1st of November where I am. Therefore, I solemnly swear that from now on, until the end of the month (and hopefully after that, if I learn to make a habit of it!) I will leave a comment on every story that I read from the beginning to the end (or to the latest chapter if it’s a WIP) on AO3!
in case you would like to leave a more unique (but equally simple) comment, or if your brain kind of collapses in on itself when you read something great (like mine does), here is a list of ideas for things authors will love:
a) key smashing
* bonus for key smashing + an indication of specifically what you are key smashing about, i.e. ;KLDJFA;HGAKLJFDKAHGOWJIKLDFJA; KISSING IN THE PARKKKKKKK;DAKGH;DASLKF
b) copy a line/paragraph/exchange you really liked into the comment box
* bonus for specifying why you liked it if you can put it into words
c) ask a question
d) write whatever you would in the tags on tumblr (i mean, you don’t have to put the organizational tags. but the other ones. the OMG TONY WOULD DEFINITELY DO THIS, IMAGINE IF HE… so on and so forth)
e) write whatever you’d write if you were saving it as a bookmark or reccing it (the author will not be offended if you don’t address it to them, they’ll be too happy to read what you said)
f) mention a detail you loved or that you found unique
g) did you have ideas while reading? treat it like tumblr, SHARE YOUR IDEAS
h) did something make you laugh/tear up/yell at the computer/squeak/etc.? mention what it was
i) thank you for writing or a variation thereof is always nice to hear
j) is there something you usually would not read/enjoy or a trope that usually annoys you that was twisted in a fun way or that you found yourself enjoying in spite of yourself? mention that. this is one of the greatest things you can hear as an author
k) speculation. speculation about what is/what could happen or even about what goes on outside of the purview of the fic is awesome
l) something in the fic that resonated with you, i.e. an emotion or experience, etc. that stood out to you as being similar to something you’ve felt/done
m) you can even remark on the technical aspects of the fic if you’re like, super impressed by the pacing or the way they deftly wielded a semi-colon or how easy the action was to follow or like, WOW YOU DID A GREAT JOB KEEPING TRACK OF THOSE 4 PEOPLE IN THAT SEX SCENE
I like this idea. We just finished Rectober, time to start Commentvember, or something more creative/catchy.
I’m usually really good about this but I read something embarrassingly kinky last night and I didn’t comment on it. Tonight, I am going through my history to tell my author that they rocked that kink. (Maybe on anon. Who knows.)