It’s very late and that underappreciated moment in asip when John comments on all the rubbish in the flat and Sherlock starts throwing stuff in boxes in an alarmed fashion like ‘Don’t go I can clean the thing I can clean 3 thing’ is corroding me
No no don’t go, stupendously fit military man, wait
You’re a doctor, you’re a very, very hot doctor who JUST HAPPENS to also be a soldier mmmm military officers oh god good thing I put on the right pants this morning
Stay put, sexy doctor, give it one more chance, you’ll like this place, I promise, I can make it exactly the way you like it, Captain Watson. You know you want to be my flatmate. I’ll meet your exactly specifications oh god keep it together Holmes, keep it together
dammit I knew he prefered order, why didn’t I think to tidy up a bit, stupid stupid stupid JUST ONE SECOND CAPTAIN WATSON I can make this place look nice, yes I can
I can be orderly. I’m very orderly, I have excellent personal grooming habits YOU WILL DISCOVER THIS SOON ENOUGH, CAPTAIN WATSON, ORDER ME TO DROP MY PANTS I’LL SHOW YOU SOME ORDER