i keep seeing that one post about ‘wanting a sword but not being sure What to do with it practically’
when i was like 15 my brother asked me what i wanted for christmas and i jokingly said i want a sword like a knight sword he bought me one from some historical replica place and i just hung it on my wall
and for YEARS what i always did
was whenever i was going out somewhere fancy and i was in my dress and my heels and my hair all nicely done i would take the sword around and just walk around the tile part of my house with it kind of loosely gripped in my hand, just all slow and casual, hear my heels click, carrying it bc you would be amazed what looking rly hot AND carrying a sword will do for your confidence l i ke. i’d feel ready for anything
and my mom would always come out because she’d be expecting it and just watch me with some mixture of amusement and bewilderment but she never actually asked
five years later i still do this in college… before job interviews… formal affairs… dates…. just get ready and then carry the sword around for a while you’ll feel so good i promis