I need help from the Sherlock fandom
Ok, fellow Sherlock fans. I have two questions about TEH which have been gnawing at me since the episode first aired here in the U.S. Now don’t laugh, but here goes:
1. When Sherlock is with Mycroft, after he has shaved and dressed but before he sees John, he puts on his coat and says, “Blood.”…
The caps lock I can tell you. double tap the shift twice.
Now, see, I’ve tried that before and I can’t seem to get to work on mine. I don’t know whether it’s my OS (7.something), my phone, or whether I just have ineffective fingers…
It’s a pretty quick tap. And I have os 7 too. And it’s worked on all my iPhones
Still can’t get it to work. I think I have an anti-technology forcefield.
Lol. Doubleclick. *grabs phone to show you*
WAIT, WAIT! I went into “Settings” “General” “Keyboard” and the “Enable Caps Lock” was OFF. Thank you! I didn’t even know it was a real thing!
Woohoo! I don’t have gifs as I’m in mobile but imagine John Barrowman smiling here.