I have a few copies of “Playboy” from the 1970s stashed away somewhere. One of them has a letter where a guy writes in saying, “I met this really gorgeous, sweet woman, and we were planning to get married, but she sat me down yesterday and told me that she had a sex change before she met me. Mr. Hefner, should I marry someone who used to be a man?” and the response was, “So she had a sex change, big whoop. Would you be asking this question if she’d made any other change in her life before she met you? You love the woman she is now, and that’s all that should matter. If you want kids you can adopt or something.”
I feel so conflicted right now
Why feel conflicted? Apparently even rich successful white cis males can be decent human beings, OH WAIT! I nvm, I forgot that this is tumblr and everyone forgets this.
Hugh Hefner is a playboy, he’s The playboy, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard a bad thing about him? Just because he’s in the naked business doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy, jesus.