An English Room, by Derry Moore. Featuring Benedict Cumberbatch.
英国人眼中的家是你的城堡。Derry Moore转遍英国,找出了33个典型的英式房间,和最具代表性的人。
Benedict Cumberbatch所代表的是伦敦格里克会员俱乐部的藏书阁【The Library, The Garrick Club, London】他介绍说:
身为一个演员,习惯读打印出来随便装订好的简陋剧本,能在此处翻阅精致的包装下同样的故事,简直是一种荣幸。很多时候是非常名贵的初发行版本,用硕大慷慨的字体印在厚重的纸张上面。想到手里捧着的书有可能曾经被欧文,佛布斯-罗伯特森,又或者毕耳姆 垂【Irving, Forbes-Robertson or Beerbohm Tree】拿在手中过,这种特别的激动简直无法传达给不以演绎为事业的人。
这个地方是宁静的绿洲:离查令十字街和相隔的剧院区不过一石之遥,而繁忙的考文花园就在另一边。在这里,被整套原版的海报安静的环绕着——不知是埃德蒙 基恩【英国著名演员Edmund Kean,常被尊称为“基恩先生”】在《理查德三世》,还是《奥赛罗》里的节目单。在这里,几乎触手可及的地方,那个迷人的舞台风采依然。
I was still at school when I first visited the Garrick Club and my father took me to the library. In my memory it always featured as an enormous room, very grand and impressive. Visiting it now, years later, it appears quite small – which in fact it is. It still retains, though, a particular aura, which I sensed on my first visit.
As an actor accustomed to reading scripts consisting generally of photocopied pages roughly bound together, it is an incredible luxury to be able to read those same scripts in beautiful editions, frequently very early ones, printed on heavy paper and in generous type. There is a special thrill in handling a book that might have been held by Irving, Forbes-Robertson or Beerbohm Tree, a thrill that is hard to convey to anyone outside the acting profession.
This place is an oasis of quiet: a stone’s throw from Charing Cross Road and the theatre district on one side, and from Covent Garden on the other. It is possible to sit here in silence, surrounded by volumes full of original playbills – Edmund Kean (referred to as ‘Mr’ Kean) in Richard III or Othello. It enables one to touch, as it were, the past of the magic world of theatre.