Share 10 facts about yourself then pass this onto 10 of your favorite followers <3

Woo, I never get tagged in these things. Now I have to come up with things. Oh well, here goes…

  1. If we were playing the Kevin Bacon game I’d get one degree from Wil Wheaton because I did some playtesting for Steve Jackson Games and I sort of know his editor, Andrew.
  2. If you happen to have Munchkin Zombies, I’m listed in the credits as a playtester (and hubby is too). Also because of this I’ve played Munchkin with Steve Jackson himself and seen the gazebo.
  3. I’m second generation Whovian. My parents got into it in the 70s and used have a crapton of VHS tapes. My mom knitted the scarf and we went to a con in the 80s, which was my first ever con.
  4. My first fandom was Star Trek, when I was a teen. I was way into Star Trek for most of those years, once called someone a Denebian Slime devil as an insult, and generally preferred the original series, but watched all of it.
  5. When I was fourteen we went to Hawaii on vacation and so I’ve flown over Kilauea in a small plane…and it was AWESOME.
  6. My dad flies small planes (see above) and is an airplane mechanic. When I was a teenager I took glider lessons, but never got my license. (on the bucket list though)
  7. When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut…that kinda died when Challenger exploded (I was 7) but I’ve never lost my love for all things space related.
  8. A couple years ago hubby and I went on vacation to Florida and he let me drag him on the NASA history tour at Cape Canaveral. He dropped and broke my camera at the Apollo 1 launchpad.
  9. Having an airplane loving dad, I’ve been to Oshkosh more then a few times and I got to see the Concord fly and walk around inside it.
  10. I was in the Navy, and while I sadly was never assigned to the Enterprise, I had a friend who was.

Now sadly, I can’t tag Jazz or Awabubbles on this.

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