




So I really love these like everyone does and I wanted to see if the artist had more pokemon stuff on her blog because I really dig her art. Oh, but what is this??? All of these drawings were posted by someone else who apparently FORGOT to source the art. So I went on google and used the quickest fucking image searcher on the internet and after clicking a few links it took me less than 5 minutes to find the original artist.

Not only I discovered she does have more of these, but I found out (because I didn’t know) this set of pictures are supposed to be a Sherlock au with John Watson going to Vietnam. Think of all the people who also want to see more of this artist’s work, or that just wanted to make sure that was indeed John Watson (and not only their fandom impulses talking) who will never find out because this post wasn’t sourced!!

Tumblr user aiwa-sensei is the original artist. She has a good bunch of drawings for this Sherlock au and even more Sherlock fanart that is just really fucking awesome.

So please, if you’re going to post something on the internet with content that doesn’t belong to you, credit the creator, specially artists on the internet because they deserve feedback and recognition.

wow I have a lot of feelings about this series

thank you notdavestrider

I would not have known of this without you

Finally reblogging this because THANK YOU for providing the source!

I reblogged this earlier – reblogging again for comments and credit.


I didn’t reblog earlier ‘cause I couldn’t find the source. Now I can.

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