

Sherlock Secret Santa: Sign-ups are open!

link to the sign-up form

Hello! @sherlocksecretsanta is still on this year, and signups are currently open. Since we’re starting a bit late, we’re going to try to get signups and matches done over the next few days, leaving you with more time to work on giftworks and anonymous mini-gifting leading up to the trade/reveals

Signups are open until Dec. 5

You should receive your Secret Santa shortly afterwards and some info about what they might like to receive. This is an online-only exchange. It’s strongly encouraged to send your recipient snippets and messages (anonymously!) leading up to the exchange/reveal! You can do this any of the days leading up to the 25th. But they do not have to be Christmas themed at all. 

All ships are welcome (we will do our best to pair people with matching preferences!) as are all gift forms. It doesn’t have to be all fanfic or fanart – you can do playlists, graphics, gifsets, moodboards, imagine your otp lists, a detailed fic-rec list… the idea is to be thoughtful, and gift something the recipient would enjoy!

Gift posting starts Dec. 25

From the 25th to the 31st, please post/send the gifts and reveal your matches! Also @sherlocksecretsanta so that we can reblog all of the gift reveal posts!

More info/FAQ here: http://sherlocksecretsanta.tumblr.com/rules

Please help spread the word!

@chained-to-the-mirror @loveinthemindpalace @merindab @nottoolateforthegame

A very nice person asked me to signal boost this and now I’d like to ask you to do the same, please. 🙂 

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