Someone around here just passed 500 Followers. Who-? Who was that? Was i- Was it… me? Did I do it? Did I, The Mad Katter, me, the Kat who Mads, the writer, the purveyor of erotica, the peddler of filth, the human trash can, Kat, finally surpass that tantalizing line?
So what am I going to do about this momentous event? I’m going to do it. That’s a right. A GiVeAwAaAy~~~
As this occurred 15 days before this blog’s 2nd birthday (holy shit it’s been 2 years already???), I’ll run the giveaway until end of that day. Are you thinking that’s a really short time to run a giveaway? We’ll you’re right, but I don’t usually get a lot of interest from my followers so I don’t anticipate a huge turnout.
One first place winner will receive a 1k fic.
One second place winner will receive a 500 word fic.
One third place winner will receive a word. Maybe a terrible MS Paint drawing of that word if you have your Submit open. Let’s play it by ear.
Ya gotta be following me, this blog, themadkatter13fanfiction, specifically – if ya aren’t at the party, you don’t get any party favours.
Only reblogs count; I won’t disqualify you if you reblog more than twice, but be a team player, yeah?
No giveaway/spam blogs.
Your askbox has to be open. I mean, it can be closed, but you’ll forfeit your prize to someone whose box is open.
Ends 2016 July 13 (Wednesday) @ 00:00 PST.
Winners will be picked by a random number generator and contacted by Ask.
Winners have 24 hours to respond, and your prize can be pretty much whatever you want within my Commission guidelines. Oh, and of course your 1k or 5c limit. Third place, you can choose a letter for the word to start with if you want, or I can surprise you completely – your choice.
Not that this will happen, but on the miraculous off chance that this post actually gets ≥ 100 Notes, I’ll bump the prizes up to 5k, 1k, and… I’m not sure how to translate that last one. A 1c drabble? Never tried it before but it could be fun. Or worthy of death. A party either way.