just a few fics involving John being soft and sweet that i put together for bruna @moriarty b/c i love her, and b/c she demanded it. to keep it focused, it’s mostly new(er) back in 221B style canon verse fics
- all things warm and tender by darcylindbergh – established relationship sleepy warm morning rimming sex, John soft without question
- 100 ways to say ‘I love you’ by Teatrolley – John coming back to 221B and just everything is very soft, John especially
- Everything by patternofdefiance – John wakes up with an armful of Sherlock, so soft
- Back to the Start by slashscribe – post S3 Sherlock relearning how to play his violin as he relearns how to be close with John, John is v soft, this fic is v tender
- The Scent of Home by conductor_of_light – all of anna’s fics are soft John, but Sherlock is #exposed in this fic which makes John especially soft
- The First of Many by Solitary_Endeavor – birthday blowjob, John being silly and praising
- You by Chryse – this is the final fic in a series of Sherlock and John making each others’ fantasies come true, but this is where all the big emotions and insecurities come out and John is soSOSO tender
- Let Me Count the Ways by Goddess_of_the_Night – John has a favourite freckle and worships Sherlock’s bod
- The Quiet Moments by janto321 (FaceofMer) – ‘“Come here,” said John, softly.’ that quote basically tells you everything you need to know
- The Basics by wearitcounts (Sher_locked_up) – soft sweet morning together <3
- Take Your Time by TooSelin – John and Sherlock keep trying to have sex and keep getting interrupted, but when they eventually do John is v sweet
- I’m Pretty Sure This Changes Shit by cwb – i guess this isnt that new for some reason i thought it was but anyway John praising Sherlock :’)
- Morning Sunlight by slashscribe – sleepy morning sex
- Affirmation by jamlockk – more sleepy morning sex
- there’s huge overlap with soft john and this inexperienced Sherlock list, I didn’t do repeats, so check over there too
Thank you for the rec! (and this is a great list)