Okay you know what I want for the Deadpool sequel, even more than Wade getting a boyfriend?
Wade getting an ex-boyfriend.
Somebody with whom Wade has History with a Captial H. The boyfriend he dated on and off for four years, who then vanished with no explanation. Maybe he left for Wade’s protection, but Wade doesn’t know that and thinks he was just a fucking asshole.
Vanessa knows about this guy. Not any real details, just that they were serious before he broke Wade’s heart. Vanessa doesn’t know the ex-boyfriend’s real name because Wade only refers to him via expletives, so she mentally refers to him as The Touchy Subject.
The ex-boyfriend’s name should probably be Logan, since there are already so many references within the movie canon (and Wolverine is bi in the comics) but I’m not picky.
See, now here’s what I don’t want.
I don’t want the franchise saying, “Well Wade was joking before with the gay stuff. But now it’s different. He’s journeyed down a path of self discovery and come out the other side open to new sexual horizons.”
I don’t want a ~coming out~ story.
I want a 8===D~~~Wade has obviously been out this whole entire time weren’t you paying attention?!~~~Ⴇ===8 story.
I mean think about it.
With a movie franchise this big, it could be a gamechanger.
If Deadpool does it, other franchises will no longer be able to justify not doing it.
If the Deadpool tells audiences once and for all, definitively, “We were never joking, and we don’t understand why you would even assume we were joking, unless you were some kind of homophobic asshole who thinks being pansexual is a joke” than every single popular queerbait fuckboy id fantasy franchise is gonna have to fucking put up or shut up.
Gotta admit, this sounds REALLY appealing.