So I was tagged by jazzforthecaptain to name 15 things that make me happy. After this list I’ll take a few people, but you’re under no obligation or pressure to participate! I hope you do though, even if you only think of your list of happy things.

So in no particular order…

1)Singing along in the car. I know I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, I will still sing along with every word and try to get you to do the other half of the duet (but I want the boy part).

2)John Barrowman, yeah this kinda goes with #1 and you all know this was gonna be on here. But seriously, any time I’m having a bad day, a few minute on youtube or google images, or opening his autobiographies to a random page and I’m smiling.

3)Comments on fics. I mean I love all who read and kudos are great, but I especially love comments, even if my responses are kinda lame. And the handful of people who comment on every single fic just make me feel all the better 😀

4)Talking to all of my friends online. You guys make every day better. And to repeat my favorite quote: “Yeah, well, I’ve got a dream too. But it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. And, well, I’ve found a whole bunch of friends who have the same dream. And, well, it kind of makes us like a family.” (The Muppet Movie, Kermit)

5)When things snap into place while I’m writing. I’m very much a ‘garden’ type writer. I don’t usually go in with a plot and a plan, I let my words take me where they will, and sometimes I get these little “Eureka!” moments where I realize “okay, so THATS why this happened.” or “So that’s where this going next.”

6) Writing in general. I love to create, and I am so glad for what fanfiction has given me. Writing is my passion, even if it isn’t my day job.

7) Cons. I love getting together with a bunch of other nerds. I’m an extrovert (duh), so I love meeting new people and making new friends. (hi youknownothingmomsnow ). And it’s fun meeting actors and stuff.

8) Snow. You’d thinking living in Minnesota as a kid would have been enough, but maybe that’s why I like it now.

9) Mountains. That’s one thing I miss living in Texas.I liked being able to walk out my garage in the morning in high school and look at Mt. Ranier.

10) RPing/Cowriting. Yeah back to the writing thing again. I just really love being creative with other people and bouncing off them. (hi themadkatter13 )

11) Fanart. Fluffy, smutty or silly, it doesn’t matter. I just love seeing what other people create. I can’t art, but I can appreciate the hell out of people who can.

12) Photography. My other creative hobby. There’s just something satisfying about capturing an image or a moment.

13) My dog waiting when I walk in the door after work, tail wagging and just wanting a good five minutes of snuggle time.

14) Doctor Who. Okay it may make me nuts sometime, but it’s been part of my life for as long as I can remember, and it’s still something my parents and I can bond over.

15) sunsets/sunrises. I don’t get to catch them as much these days, but There’s something incredibly calming about watching the sky turn pastel and the stars coming out (or fading)


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