Anthea, Sherlock’s Ianto Jones.
Anthea’s expression is the BEST.
She’s just like, “Oh John. Look at the newbie. Bless. You’ll get used to it, honey.”
(Alternately, she’s like, “God, I really am not paid enough to put up with these people. Mr. British Government, Sir, I want a raise.”)
A Study in Pink / His Last Vow Parallels Masterpost
The opening nightmare (x)
Denying the drugs (x)
Anderson checking for the truth (x)
The Mind palace stairs (x)
The Mind palace hallway (x)
“You can Imagine the Christmas Dinners" (x)
"I’m a high functioning sociopath. Do Your research" (x)
What they are willing to do to save the other (x)
The first and final handshake (x)
I counted that John licks his lips around 29 times during ‘A Study in Pink’
And so here they are. In order of appearance.