30 day challenge – Day 7: Pet Peeves

Noise. I prefer to sit in quiet when I’m on the computer and playing a
game or surfing tumblr or what not. I’ll watch TV sometimes, but then it’s
usually 95% tv and I can’t really do anything else. I don’t even generally
listen to music except in the car. Then I sing along, badly. When I’m on
the phone with a customer I hate when they have loud noise on in the
background that makes it hard to hear or understand them.

When I’m doing homework or trying to drown out hubby watching TV I’ll put
on headphones and listen to ambient sometimes or something without words.

I also have a problem with being told what to do, but that’s more of a
tone of voice issue. Maybe that’s why I like communicating via computer.

Also, at work, especially, people who don’t listen and treat me like I’m
stupid. Or this conversation: “I can’t login” “Have you tried the default?” “No, I know my password.” “Is it working?” “No.” “Okay then, can you please try the default?” You wouldn’t argue with your doctor, can you please not argue with your tech support? 

30 day challenge – Day 7: Pet Peeves

Noise. I prefer to sit in quiet when I’m on the computer and playing a
game or surfing tumblr or what not. I’ll watch TV sometimes, but then it’s
usually 95% tv and I can’t really do anything else. I don’t even generally
listen to music except in the car. Then I sing along, badly. When I’m on
the phone with a customer I hate when they have loud noise on in the
background that makes it hard to hear or understand them.

When I’m doing homework or trying to drown out hubby watching TV I’ll put
on headphones and listen to ambient sometimes or something without words.

I also have a problem with being told what to do, but that’s more of a
tone of voice issue. Maybe that’s why I like communicating via computer.

Also, at work, especially, people who don’t listen and treat me like I’m
stupid. Or this conversation: “I can’t login” “Have you tried the default?” “No, I know my password.” “Is it working?” “No.” “Okay then, can you please try the default?” You wouldn’t argue with your doctor, can you please not argue with your tech support? 

30 day blog- Day 5: Current favorite songs

(With links to youtube)

I Am What I Am – John Barrowman

  I am what I am, and what I am needs no excuses

Carry On – fun.

   If your lost and alone, or sinking like a stone, carry on

Hard Times Come Again No More – Iron and Wine

   It’s the song, the sigh of the weary, hard times, hard times, come again no more

One Prairie Outpost – Carbon Leaf

   One Prairie Outpost, you are how I feel, alone in a flatland ‘tween the dream and the real

Teenage Rebel – Chameleon Circuit

  I used to be old, but now I feel young, ’cause I was a boy when I learned how to run

So, um, yeah, I seem to be wanting to cheer myself up a lot recently. honorable mentions go to Pumped Up Kicks, Some Nights and Smile, Smile, Smile.

30 day blog- Day 4: What are you afraid of

Success? Um, well, I don’t have any major phobias. I don’t like heights when I feel like I have no control. I have minor claustrophobia, again, it’s a control issue. So no crawling through tight caves for me. I’m afraid of fire, though that ones probably due to reading a book on the Chicago Fire when I was like four that gave me nightmares for days. I’m a bit scared of pools as I’ve almost drowned twice in them, but not the ocean.

My usual response to fears is try to buck up and do it anyway.

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 3: Favorite quote

“Yeah, well, I’ve got a dream too. But it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. And, well, I’ve found a whole bunch of friends who have the same dream. And, well, it kind of makes us like a family. You have anyone like that, Hopper? I mean, once you get all those restaurants,
who are  you gonna share it with? Who are your friends, Doc? Those guys?…I don’t think you’re a bad man Doc. And I think if you look into your heart, you’ll find you really want to let me and my friends go to follow our dream. But if that’s not the kind of man you are and if what I’m saying doesn’t make any sense to you, well, then, go ahead and kill me.”

Kermit the Frog- The Muppet Movie

This is my favorite quote because it reminds me of the friends and families I’ve made online. This is the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with.

30 day blog – 10 facts about me

This is day two’s topic, so here we go, 10 quick facts about me:

  1. I graduated from elementary school twice.
  2. I was in the Navy for two years.
  3. I taught myself the American Sign Language alphabet in third grade after watching “The Miracle Worker” and still know it.
  4. I play clarinet, bass clarinet and piano.
  5. I once called someone a “Denebian slime devil” as a legit insult in school.
  6. The first album I ever bought was MC Hammer -Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em (in my defense this was like 1992 and Jr High)
  7. I got honorable mention at a state science fair with a project on Brownian motion.
  8. I nearly went to the state Geography Bee in Jr High, but didn’t do well enough on the qualifying test after winning at the lower level.
  9. I lettered in Knowledge Bowl all 4 years of high school and am still bitter over the sexist teacher that didn’t let me on the A team my senior year.
  10. I’ve lived in Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, Virginia, Missouri, North Carolina and Texas.