i looked up alexander hamilton’s last words and among them were:
“My vision is indistinct… Take care of that pistol. It is undischarged and still cocked. It may go off and do harm. Pendleton knows that I did not intend to fire at him,” and “I have no ill will against colonel Burr. I met him with a fixed resolution to do him no harm. I forgive all that happened,” which is sad but also:
he wouldn’t fucking shut up even as he died that is the most hamilton fucking thing i
Didn’t Hamilton forget his bank account number once or something
ok i left you the answer on snapchat but here’s an actual reference rather than just my word. but uh yeah he lost his checkbook and so he also lost his account balance:
“Months after leaving office, he wrote to the Bank of the United States and admitted that he did not know his account balance because he had lost his bank book—this from the man who had created the bank.” (Alexander Hamilton, Chernow, 502)
I told one of my coworkers this when she was stressing about handling Adult Stuff and her response was “I feel so much better now.”
i had a long and vivid dream where i accidentally invited the ghost of alexander hamilton into my house and he just sort of followed me around and scoffed at my essay writing and eventually i tried to hire an exorcist but the exorcist turned out to be thomas jefferson and they got into a fistfight in my kitchen
everythig i remembered about us history got replaced with this