I wish I could draw, but I can’t so I’ll just describe my thought:

I was looking it up. Hamilton was 5′7 Washington was 6′2.

So now I’m just picturing Washington talking to someone and saying “i take the precaution of a good coat and a short friend” while Hamilton just glowers in the background.




MY FAVOURITE trope is the 

“leave all your weapons”
*takes out far more weapons than expected (or logically able to carry)*

and then

“i said ALL of them”

*takes out a dozen more weapons from increasingly improbable locations*

And then
*stern look*

*pulls out one more tiny pistol*

(gif via @torchwoodgifs)

But does it matter that two middle-aged men with very large platforms were sitting at a table pathologising teenage girls’ sexuality – and making a whole load of potentially harmful assumptions about a topic they know literally nothing about? Absolutely.

elizabethminkel wrote in newstatesman article, “Why it doesn’t matter what Benedict Cumberbatch thinks of Sherlock fan fiction“ 

Finally, a mainstream media article that presents the human side of fandom, and talks about why it’s important to have alternative forms of media. 

I fangirl this woman so hard right now. 

(via wearitcounts)