americans think ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN of driving 7 hours. they’ll drive 7 hours just for dinner. they’ll drive 7 hours just for chips and dip
Do your butts not get tired
After 12 hours in a car driving across three states, your ass is so numb that it could probably just fall off and you wouldn’t notice.
Tbh I would just get out around hour five and make a home in whatever layby I ended up in
@saxifraga-x-urbium Even weirder is that Americans are either two people: 1. Must never stop driving, not even to pee, just to cut like 15 minutes off of the estimated driving time 2. Get out every hour to see the sights even if you’re driving through absolute buttfuck nowhere
I got car sick just reading that
I am that first type. It’s a problem when the family I’m seeing is a three-hour drive away. At least they know we’ll need to use the bathroom.
working class person: I’m forced to beg for money and am at the mercy of other people’s goodwill as I’m facing serious suffering and/or death because my wages don’t cover the expenses I need to literally stay alive
friends of working class person: we will scrape together some of our own funds at the possible detriment of our own families because we have no other choice if we don’t want our friend to, and we can’t believe we have to say this out loud, die
media: This Uplifting Story of Friendship Will Brighten Your Day :)) Look As These Brave People Go On Happy With Their Lives Despite Hardship :)) This Story Proves That Poor People Who Complain About Their Standards Of Living Are Just Not Trying Hard Enough :)))
this post was sandwiched on my dash between two people’s medical gofundmes and i want to cry
I don’t know why, but I think some Americans don’t realise how big the UK is….
American Customer: you’re English right? Do you know the bookshop between Wales and Bristol that has lots of books in?
Me in my head: yeah mate, I know that one. Classic. Love to pop down there on a cheeky break between work. What a wanker…
the continuous 48 states are is almost 39x the size of the isle of great britan
that’s your answer
For reference:
That’s JUST Texas.
When will the UK learn that they are puny little ants in which to be crushed???
where’s that post where the british person was like “oh yeah i only get to see my dad 2-3 times a year because he lives so far away :/” and a person asked “oh no how far away is he?” and the british person said “75 minutes”
op it literally takes about 20 minutes to get to wales from bristol, op that’s a reasonable question do you understand geography
leave europe alone you fucking colonizers
It takes my mom an hour to drive to work. Sometimes more. Europeans are cowards.
“Leave Europe alone you fucking colonizers”
Should we tell them?
I drove 6 hours just to pick someone up and bring them home because it’s nbd
Sorry, I’m still stuck on “Leave Europe alone, you colonizers.”
Colonizers telling colonizers to leave colonizers alone
I am fairly sure there are other explanatory factors for a dropping life expectancy, such as skyrocketing obesity rates and no one exercising enough. There’s not much evidence that increases in the quantity of working hours is linked to a dropping life expectancy.