jkr doesnt understand anything about america if she thinks the northern and southern states will share the same wizarding school lollll. like the south would have formed its own school anyways after, if not before or during the civil war?
hell east coast and west coast magic has got to be different (european settlers on the east, mexican/hispanic in the whole new mexico, arizona, cali area).
not to mention historically black wizarding schools would have absolutely been a thing bc african magic survived thru slavery hello??? not to mention under slavery and jim crow laws i highly doubt black children would have been allowed to study with white students. you could even make the assumption that white slavers forbade them for using their magic at all (african magic = dark magic and all that Fun Racism)
underdeveloped and struggling to thrive native american reservation schools of magic in the dakotas?
texas has to have its own school on its own school. like its just a given fact. TEXAS WIZARDING SCHOOL QUDDITCH (like texas high school football #texasforever)
and obviously you have the elitist new england schools which everyone assumes is the pinnacle of american magic education lol
American(ish) Wizards
Ok but pueblo schools where vaquero children go and learn to read and write and tell where water’s going to be in 3 months; they’re open year round but each student only has to come for 9 months so they can still help with the cattle drive
Northwest longhouses where everyone sits together and tell stories and show carvings; the carvings move and some of them tell their own stories, the totem poles out front speak if you’re polite. Salmon come from the river and go back to the river, everyone has their preferred spell for netting salmon
The Cherokee are still in Georgia. They have a very nice clapboard school, two hundred years old, educates all the Cherokee children from all over the country and nobody else. They are very secretive about it and insist it’s actually in Oklahoma.
There’s a voodoo school in New Orleans and a Beauxbatons branch in New Orleans and a traditional African school in New Orleans and a catch-all native run school in New Orleans. They don’t acknowledge each other’s existence.
The oldest European school is in Massachusetts except that the NYC school maintains they weren’t really a school until they got their charter in 1704 and so therefore the NYC school came first. There’s a very expensive school in DC that’s not any better than the black teachers teaching healing for free on the streets
If you want muggle studies there’s nowhere better than Waterrise which has branches in San Francisco and Los Angeles, they specialize in magic that can be performed on and around muggles without detection. It is very very hippie.
The Inuit have two schools and one is located in what ought to be Russia; the Inuit also maintain their own political organisation and a wildlife refuge
The reason the Europeans insist the Massachusetts school is the only one is
1) a long running and extremely vicious political fight between them and the NYC school that resulted in two new magical species and a blanket ban on self refilling vials; as a result Massachusetts tried to run off with some of NYC’s students and the Europeans just threw up their hands and went with whoever got there first
2) every other school is very very relaxed. Not about everything but about muggles and about light vs dark magic and how hard you should try to keep magical creatures out of muggle eyes (”Statute of Secrecy? Whazzat?” a logger says, wand sticking out of his overalls, as he loses control of a yeti again)This post is everything.
THIS is what I’d always imagined American Magic would be: the acknowledgement of the many different cultures we have, our landscape, & our history.
Not only are we populous enough to warrant more than one school, surely, it’s the American spirit to have more than one! The distance alone between coasts should warrant it; or the fact that we have provinces, islands, Alaska! And how culturally different things are depending on which coast or in which geographic quadrant you live.
I just wish Fantastic Beasts felt more relevant to America the way the HP series felt to the UK.
-There is a nation-wide ban on discussion of US politics in the schools.
-The American Minister of Magic’s way of communicating to the president that they Need To Talk is that the eagle in the seal on the carpet in the Oval Office tells him so. Using a distinctly Gilbert Gottfreid-esque voice.
-The American Ministry of Magic is under Broadway. Camouflage is nearly unnecessary there.
-The school in New Mexico is also a research facility for integration of magic and science. Their test runs of new flying vessels in the 60s were the actual UFOs.
-Whenever an American school that isn’t Ilvemorny and one of the European ones get into an argument, the Canadian schools are called upon to intervene. The last time, however, it (literally) blew up in their faces and the Canadians are seriously considering staying out of it from here on out.
-The school in New York isn’t in the city. It’s at Niagara Falls, and the entry is through the sign that explains how the Falls were created by nature. One of the dining hall’s walls is the waterfall.
-The Jewish school, however, is in New York City. The entrance is next to the Lions of the New York Public Library – the People of the Book (the actual school is on Governor’s Island). They find their choice of entrance incredibly funny.
-You know that myth about the butterflies that turn at a specific part of Lake Michigan for no reason and scientists decided it was because there was a mountain there millions of years ago? Nope. There’s a school there.
Except there’d be at least three Jewish schools. Probably more like seven, because there’s the girl’s school, the boy’s school, the integrated ones (modern Orthodox, conservative, & reform), & then the one that nobody would be caught DEAD in (disagreements as to whichever one that is).
And again, Jewish wizarding summer camps.
Every single one of these sorts of posts is 100000000% better than the actual canon.