I’m tuckered out and tired and yeah that’s not much of a smile.
torchwood, 2
I only have one notp and that is gwen/owen. I like both those characters just fine, but not as a couple.
37, 42, 50.
37. favourite actor/actress
John Barrowman. Martin Freeman is up there too. And Tom and Benedict. Meryl Streep for the ladies.
42. favourite book(s)
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. It’s not much of an exageration to say that book changed and saved my life. I reread it every few years.
50. favourite picture of your idol:
Or else
Ask me a question off this list
following you because you’re fabulous, obviously, need i say more?
heheh. Thank you!
If I was dating you i’d let you hang up as much gay shit as you wanted to, in fact i would demand it. And then we would snuggle and talk about your otps and invent sexy scenarios.
I am 100% down with this! All the ships, all the sexy scenarios. My brain is rolling around mystrade scenarios right now actually >.<
If I was dating you, I’d make you tea and brownies while you write. I’d sing a lullaby until you fell asleep every night. I’d make sure you didn’t have to have a job if you didn’t want to. I’d make you dinner and wake you up with wonderful breakfasts in bed. I’d give you all the love and affection you deserve.
This sounds absolutely marvelous…
what were your honest thoughts on The Time of The Doctor?
Honestly? Mostly I found it to be a hot mess. I was confused the first time I watched it because I stepped away for two minutes. I felt like they tried to cram too much in and I still have zero idea what the hell happened at the end of the Name of the Doctor to bring them to this point.
That said, Matt Smith gave his all like he always does and it could have been worse.
Do you ship Janto
(also, my AO3 name is janto321, which yes I recognize there isn’t much actual janto on there, but still…)