


Asgardians don’t know about Beyoncé. 

#this just occurred to me #like Thor is watching tv with Darcy who is watching random music videos #Who Run the World starts to play #and Thor is like #’Who is this fierce warrior? She leads her troops in a such rhythmic way.’ #Darcy’s like #’ Holy crap you don’t who Beyoncé is’ #she plays all the albums in her itunes and lets him watch the Super Bowl performance #and Thor’s mind is settled he must go to a concert #long story short Beyoncé is the first Migardian singer to perform on Asgardian soil #spoiler alert: she’s a huge success #spoiler alert 2: Asgardians are like ’ HOW DID WE SURVIVE SO LONG WITHOUT THE SONGS OF WARRIOR GODDESS BEYONCÉ???’ #spoiler alert 3: Sif plays ‘Who Run The World’ as she dives in to battle with her all female army’ #’IN THE NAME OF BEYONCÉ!’ she’ll scream #’BEYONCÉ!’ Sif’s female army will yell back (via ororosmunroe)


And I now declare them to be canon

The MCU will be a better place with this as canon