Little baby Fawnlock and kid Moosecroft get adopted by lonely hermit John and one of the first things he does is give the two children stuffed animals to play with.
Fawnlock falls in love with his stuffed bee and immediately begins gnawing on its fuzzy feelers.
While Moosecroft just disgustedly throws his bear back at John and wraps Fawnlock in a tight-gripped hug, as if to say “I don’t need your fluffy cute thing, see? I have one of my own.”
My lines were like: ‘But he’s so old! Why is he gray? Why has he got lines on his face?’ I didn’t know him at all at this point. In between takes, I was like: ‘Oh, Peter, I’m so sorry. Terribly sorry. You look great.’
Jenna Coleman feeling awkward when criticising how Peter’s Doctor looked. (via dorothymcshane)