Hey Awa guess what I got 😀
Second one for the day. This is Sam/Jack for Awabubbles:
Always a Pleasure – Jack finds Sam and Dean crashing the same Christmas party he’s at. Excellent opportunity to get Sam alone.
teaser below the cut
Jack broke into a wide smile as he saw the Winchesters come into the room. So he wasn’t the only one crashing this corporate Christmas party. Probably they were after the same information Martha and Mickey had asked him to get. Dean went straight to a tray of cocktail weenies. Sam rolled his eyes and said something that was probably about the case. Dean nodded and grabbed a free glass of wine.
Huffing, Sam walked away, looking around. Jack scribbled some notes on a napkin and slipped behind him. “You do look good in a suit, Sam.”
Sam spun around, taking in the sight of Jack in a tux. “Why are you here?”
“Same reason as you, I’d wager.”
continue on AO3
awabubbles replied to your post “I HAVE WRITTEN A LOT OF CHRISTMAS PORN TODAY.”
a day well spent
I think it’s a great use of a work day 🙂
@Fess up: All the evens >3>
2. Admit to a kink you’re ashamed you like.
umm, all the incest, probably.
4. Have you ever read or written RPS/RPF?
nope, can’t do it.
6. Ever been at the center of fandom drama?
I had one person question my doctor who cred once. Yeah, stupid person.
8. Share something you did in fandom that you’re embarrassed about.
Nothing comes to mind.
10. Any fandoms you’d hate to admit you were a part of?
ummmm, nope. I pretty much let my flag fly.
12. Someone found your delicious account/bookmarks/AO3 account or however you keep track of your favorite fics. What’s the one fic you’re going to be most humiliated about?
Well, let’s go look at AO3… Umm probably Save Me…wincest and wincest+cas and slavery and omegaverse…
14. What would your parent/guardian/family friend think if they saw your tumblr?
My parents would probably just shake their head at me.
Tagged by:/neverland-is-never-too-far
Rule 1: post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: let them know you tagged them
1) What was your first fandom ? I grew up with Doctor Who, but that was my parents fandom. The first real fandom that was mine was Star Trek (now of course the who has come full cirlce)
2) What fandom do you like the most ? Ugh, i can’t pick among my babies. John Barrowman in general?
3) The ship that everyones loves but that you hates with passion ? I don’t hate anyones ship. My notp is Gwen and Owen though. And I can’t do real person shipping.
4) Favorite song ? The Rainbow Connection
5) What is your guilty pleasure ? Don’t really feel particularly guilty about any of my pleasures.
6) Your gender sexuality ? Well I’m female, and at least a little bi.
7) The character you’d like to have for brother ? Hmm…Ianto Jones
8) Favorite villain ? Loki
9) Least favorite villain ? Doc Hopper
10) Favorite book ? Ender’s Game
11) The show that you miss the most ? ummm. Torchwood. Or possibly Bucky O’Hare or Animanics?
11 new questions:
1)The Christmas present you always wanted that you never got?
2)If you celebrate Christmas, what’s on the top of your tree?
3)What Calendar do you have on your wall, if any?
4)Show me a picture of your computer desktop
5)What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 6?
6)What would you name a pet goldfish?
7)Favorite kind of cake or pie?
8)Who was your first ship?
9)Character you’d most like to go into battle with by your side?
10)Favorite fictional vessel?
11)One thing you’d like me to know?
merindab replied to your photo “An innocent blend of white peach and peony, tainted with a citrusy…”
Damnit awa, why can’t I just buy your art?i’M WORKING ON IT!