He ain’t wearing a jacket no more and he got his sleeves rolled up. My nigga is over it.
Please start doing more speeches! If that orange arangatang can get up on a podium and lie and goad his stupid followers into committing hate crimes then we need our hope and inspiration back, speak to us!
We are straight up in the motherfucking Titanic and we know how the story ends… but no one in the cabin wants to slow the ship down…
I don’t care about your political beliefs, but just compare Obama’s sense of humor to Trump’s fat shaming and jokes about disabled people and goddamn I miss Obama.
“You can make it better. Better is always worth fighting for.”
Barack Obama, 7 September 2018
Better is good. I used to have to tell my young staff this all the time in the white house. Better is good. That’s the history of progress in this country. Not perfect, better. The civil rights act didn’t end racism, but it made things better. Social security didn’t eliminate all poverty for seniors, but it made things better for millions of people. Do not let people tell you the fight’s not worth it because you won’t get everything that you want. The idea that, well, you know, there’s racism in America, so I’m not going to bother voting, no point, that makes no sense. You can make it better. Better is always worth fighting for. That’s how our founders expected this system of self-government to work. Through the testing of ideas and the application of reason and evidence and proof, we could sort through our differences, and nobody would get exactly what they wanted, but it would be possible to find a basis for common ground. And that common ground exists.