Team TARDIS banter while filming the Ten/Rose reunited scene in Stolen Earth

Graeme Harper (director of photography): John, watch that your shadow doesn’t come over David.
David Tennant: Get out of my light, Barrowman! This is quite comfortable, actually…
John Barrowman: You can see all my bogies.
Graeme: Not so much wincing, David.
David: Did you not want a bit of that? It was my best acting of the night!
Billie Piper: Oh, this is no time for acting. I could stick my fingers right up your nose, David!
David: Like a bowling ball.
John: Have you got a moustache, Billie?
Billie: [nods] It’s low times for Rose Tyler. She hasn’t had a waxing strip since she last saw the Earth. Razors are in short supply on the parallel world.

-DWM 398 (on the scene where the Doctor is dying on the street after that damn Dalek)