Team TARDIS banter while filming the Ten/Rose reunited scene in Stolen Earth
Graeme Harper (director of photography): John, watch that your shadow doesn’t come over David.
David Tennant: Get out of my light, Barrowman! This is quite comfortable, actually…
John Barrowman: You can see all my bogies.
Graeme: Not so much wincing, David.
David: Did you not want a bit of that? It was my best acting of the night!
Billie Piper: Oh, this is no time for acting. I could stick my fingers right up your nose, David!
David: Like a bowling ball.
John: Have you got a moustache, Billie?
Billie: [nods] It’s low times for Rose Tyler. She hasn’t had a waxing strip since she last saw the Earth. Razors are in short supply on the parallel world.
-DWM 398 (on the scene where the Doctor is dying on the street after that damn Dalek)
Bit of history of Captain John Hart.
Lots of behind the scenes Torchwood stuff. John and James practicing the fight sequence, couple shots of the kiss. Fun and interesting!