


Whether your hand was grabbed some 50 years ago

Or nine like mine

Or any time in between

Or even if it will be grabbed tonight

We run together

Whovians Unite 

This made me cry. I’m pretty new to Doctor Who and I always feel like I’m lesser because I don’t know everything. But this makes me so happy.


The Ninth Doctor didn’t need a wood setting




He just kicked the door in.

Eleven will break his leg doing that

Ten will apologise incessantly at the door.

One would get someone else to do it.

Two would think of a logical way to open it.

Three would roundhouse kick it in.

Four would have K-9 blast it.

Five would be too busy thinking about Adric.

Six would sass it into oblivion.

Seven would blow it up.

Eight would kick it in, but it wouldn’t be televised.

omg five and eight