You might have seen in the news that the Tumblr app has vanished from the Apple store. This is following the site’s lack of action against child porn blogs.
It looks as if Tumblr has now released a bot to try and tidy up the mess.
This thing is meant to be deleting porn blogs. But because it’s a bot, it’s unable to tell the difference between porn blogs and some other NSFW fandom blogs. Users are getting caught in the crossfire and it looks like random blogs are now being deleted without warning. Nobody is sure what specific triggers are causing the bot to delete blogs.
If I vanish, you will always find me on AO3.
I also use the same username on Twitter and for my gmail too.
Yes, some users have had their blogs deleted in an over-reaction by Tumblr to the App Store removal but it looks like it’s predominantly art blogs that are affected. Chances of your blog being removed if you occasionally reblog some racy Mystrade art – very very small.
Others have also had their blogs restored on appeal (see here)
That said, I’m WYG on Twitter and AO3 as well – JIC… 😉
cold sweats, heart racing…
deep breaths…
I’m guessing this is why you’re dusting off twitter, @mottlemoth
Sweet lord who in our group hasn’t reblogged a racy Mystrade art piece? *crickets*
So, has anyone from our group been affected?
And folks this might be a good time to dust off your pillowfort blog as well.
I’m merindab on twitter and I’m making a currently private list of mystrade folk, but i can make it public of anyone wants.
I use tweetdeck for twitter, makes it SO much easier to follow multiple lists