Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones – “Oops, did I do that?.. Oh well.”

Jack was fixing Ianto with his fiercest glare. “This is ridiculous.”

Ianto was unphased as he pinned the schedule to the board. “Oops, did I do that?…Oh well, everyone else has gone for the night.”

“I’m not cleaning up after the pterydactal every night for the next two weeks.”

“Well Gwen is on vacation with Rhys, Tosh did it last time, Owen and I have each had a turn.” He gave Jack a smile. “The shovel is in the cupboard, sir.”

Myfawny gave a cry from somewhere up above them. Jack turned a baleful eye in her direction as Ianto made a swift and silent exit.

bonusvampirus replied to your post “7, 17, 19”

I had the far shittier opposite of your school experience: I went through 6th grade at a school where 6th was the lowest grade in the school, then moved across the state to a school where 7th was the lowest. :p

Oooh yeah, that’s def worse.I just had to stick around elementary school for an extra year.

24, 31, and 38!

24) Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

Considered it, but I haven’t done. It’s out there, it’s out there. The closest I came to it was I posted one, realized it needed work, did a complete re-write and replaced the previous text (the tentacle monster/jack one, for the record).

31) Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

*looks at giant pile of AU fics* I have no problem playing with canon. What’s important to me is that the spirit of the characters are true. It doesn’t matter if it’s set on the Moon or they meet in a bar, it’s the characters that are important. If anything, restricting myself too close to canon comes out stifling to me.

38) Talk about a review that made your day.

I love all of my reviews. Seriously, those of you that leave reviews always make my day. The first one that pops in my head on this question though is a review I got on my Sabriel fic that said that I made them feel not so alone and better about themselves that other people liked the same things. And that was on a pwp fic too, so, really unexpected.