My wife has been a life-long fan because her father is, they’ve been to several shows together. Growing up I wasn’t, how do I say, “allowed” to listen to anything secular, anything other than super christian music. So I missed out on a lot growing up. I met my wife in college and she introduced me to Bruce Springsteen and I don’t think either of us expected me to fall in love like I did. I think he’s as politically acute as Bob Dylan but with a poetry, a simultaneous yearning and freedom, that really speaks to the soul. I keep saying that Supernatural should be less Zeppelin, more Springsteen, because that cross-America late-night diner, highway-cruising, searching for hope because you’re riddled with regret vibe is HIS vibe.
and of course I have to add that my favorite quote about Springsteen is by John Stewart (a well known Springsteen dweeb):
That’s the best quote. My mom’s from Jersey as well and I’m pretty sure she’s been a fan too. And yeah, the older and more kicked around by life I feel, the better Bruce gets.