Cabin Pressure! Angst/Martin!whump. Do you want an actual sentence prompt or something? Either way here’s one: “No one ever thought that Martin would be the hero in any story. Well. Now he’s lying in a hospital bed that should be occupied by Douglas, and none of them know what to make of it.” (I’m sorry I love angst. If you can’t work with this I’ll send you a new one~)



This is fine! I can work with angst. Hope this fits! =)

No one ever thought that Martin would be the hero in any story. He wasn’t the type really. He was too much of a stickler to break the kind of rules heroes in stories usually do and even if being heroic could be done in a way without breaking rules well… Martin was more likely to make a situation worse. 

The closest anyone thought he would get to being a hero was landing a plane on one engine. Until this day.

This morning. 

It had been a normal flight, well for MJN. A pair of business men and the slightly shady looking younger brother of the older business man. Carolyn had protested the brother coming until the price of their fare was doubled then she had been content. Martin had just sighed and gotten back to fighting with Douglas over who was operating out. Douglas had won.

But about halfway into the flight, everything had gone to hell. Martin had called for coffee, his third this flight. When Arthur hadn’t come, Martin had gotten up and opened the door. 

Which let the younger brother into the flight deck, his gun now pointing at Martin, instead of the tied up Arthur and Carolyn. Douglas had clenched the wheel tighter, his eyes darting to the radio.

“Don’t even think about it.” He had moved the gun to Douglas and at that moment, Martin had struck. He’d tackled the man and GERTI jerked when Douglas heard the gun discharge. 

Then it had gone off again and Martin had cried out. Unable to look to his friend, Douglas had called for help and landed the plane on the nearest flat surface. 

It took three hours for the traffic jam to clear but the paramedics agreed it had saved Martin’s life. 

Now Martin is lying in a hospital bed, with a bullet hole through his lung, in a bed that Douglas can’t help but think should be occupied by him, and none of them know what to do. Martin had been lucky, the doctors said, that the first bullet had bounced off his gold braid and into the other man’s chest.

With a second shot through his lung, no one is sure if that is sarcasm or not.

This is wonderful! Thank you so much!