caw-caw-mothercluckers replied to your photo “I just passed 250k hits across evrything on AO3, now granted I have a…”
aw, thank you!
caw-caw-mothercluckers reblogged your post sherlockeleven: What I love the most … and added:
^ You’re a damn good writer
Thank you!
Tagged by:/neverland-is-never-too-far
Rule 1: post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: let them know you tagged them
1) What was your first fandom ? I grew up with Doctor Who, but that was my parents fandom. The first real fandom that was mine was Star Trek (now of course the who has come full cirlce)
2) What fandom do you like the most ? Ugh, i can’t pick among my babies. John Barrowman in general?
3) The ship that everyones loves but that you hates with passion ? I don’t hate anyones ship. My notp is Gwen and Owen though. And I can’t do real person shipping.
4) Favorite song ? The Rainbow Connection
5) What is your guilty pleasure ? Don’t really feel particularly guilty about any of my pleasures.
6) Your gender sexuality ? Well I’m female, and at least a little bi.
7) The character you’d like to have for brother ? Hmm…Ianto Jones
8) Favorite villain ? Loki
9) Least favorite villain ? Doc Hopper
10) Favorite book ? Ender’s Game
11) The show that you miss the most ? ummm. Torchwood. Or possibly Bucky O’Hare or Animanics?
11 new questions:
1)The Christmas present you always wanted that you never got?
2)If you celebrate Christmas, what’s on the top of your tree?
3)What Calendar do you have on your wall, if any?
4)Show me a picture of your computer desktop
5)What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 6?
6)What would you name a pet goldfish?
7)Favorite kind of cake or pie?
8)Who was your first ship?
9)Character you’d most like to go into battle with by your side?
10)Favorite fictional vessel?
11)One thing you’d like me to know?
I was tagged by caw-caw-mothercluckers
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them
1) What song is stuck in your head at the moment? Chameleon Circuit – Travelling Man
2) What are you currently looking forward to? Well after all the Who this last weekend…um… putting up the Christmas tree post-Thanksgiving
3)If you were able to live inside a Disney movie, which one would you choose and why? Hmm. Brave is the first one to pop in my head. I just like the setting?
4)Your favorite guilty pleasure? Lots of things. The Muppets, Doctor Who, John Denver
5) What’s the last thing that caused you a case of the feels? The Doctor Who 50th. Though, actually I think Night of the Doctor kicked me harder in some ways.
6) You have the ability to hug ANYONE (fictional or not) right now, who would you choose? Uh. Captain Jack Harkness. He needs hugs and reminder that he’s a good person.
7) What food/dish are you looking forward to eating on Thursday? (if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, just tell me your favorite food of all time) Jellied canned cranberries
8)Would you rather be able to fly or become invisible? Flight!
9) Tell how your day went!! (no seriously, I’m highly interested) Pretty great! I mean, Doctor Who!
10) Do you sleep on your back, side, or your belly? Side sleeper, fetal position, more or less
11) What comforts you the most? That’s a hard one. Right now I’d say my friends and my fandoms. They’re both places where I feel safe and loved.
And 11 more questions
- Favorite memory?
- Favorite piece of clothing and why?
- Craziest food you’ve tried?
- Cold or hot?
- A movie that always cheers you up?
- cats or dogs?
- beach or mountains?
- Would you rather live in space or underwater?
- What’s a youtube video everyone should see that hasn’t?
- What advice would you give your fourteen year old self?
- coffee or tea?
caw-caw-mothercluckers reblogged your post This what I wore to the movie… and added:
Oooh! I didn’t get to see your shirt. LOVED the scarf, though <3
It was awesome to hang out with you! We need to try and do that again before you leave