replied to your post “Time and Mental Illness”
Hang in there. *sending hugs*

Thank you. It means a lot to me.
Just another WordPress site
replied to your post “Time and Mental Illness”
Hang in there. *sending hugs*
Thank you. It means a lot to me.
replied to your photoset “I got my first ever MacBook today. Gotta get used to the size and…”
I’ve found Time Machine backups to be a bit flaky. I’d recommend relying on something like CrashPlan or saving important files to a Dropbox account instead. Other than that? Have fun! Looks awesome. I have a really old Air and I love it.
Yeah I use dropbox already on pretty much a daily basis, especially for school. I wanted something I could actually carry around, and I’m certain this will do the trick.
replied to your photoset “Rupert Graves in Dinosaurs On A Spaceship”
This will never get old.
I felt a need for these gifs Thank you.
replied to your post “The fic i just posted is my 175th fic. What the hell am I doing with…”
Congrats to you, that’s amazing!
Thank you! I can’t believe I’ve come this far. I’ve basically posted at least one fic a month, every month since July 2013 (and the average works out to 7). March of this year was the first month I’ve broken it. Because apparently 1k or so smut is my specialty.
doctornerdington replied to your photoset
“Okay I don’t know who this is. As you can see from the time stamps,…”
Oh, jesus. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that bullshit. <3
chasingriversong replied to your photoset
Ugh, I’m so sorry.
Thanks guys. I guess it means I’ve made it if I get anon hate? I dunno, it’s pretty damned vile. I mostly want to make sure nobody else is getting hurt by.
I’m gonna go listen to some Barrowman until I feel better. Or maybe Taylor Swift (Barrowman needs to cover “shake it off”)
chasingriversong replied to your post: “Starbucks across from the starbucks”:
Well, the one Starbucks is just a counter inside the grocery store, so it really doesn’t count…
True, but it’s still two starbucks
chasingriversong replied to your post “So i got a comment on one of my Sherstrade fics today: Um.. of…”
I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t know they can do that.
And that’s fair. I was just very very confused by the comment. And they weren’t logged in, so no idea if they’ll see my response.
chasingriversong replied to your post “My parents are almost certainly going to Sherlock Seattle. This will…”
I would find that to be a terrifying prospect. Are you going? I haven’t bought my ticket yet but it’s local for me.
I need to buy a plane ticket yes, but I am planning on going It would be awesome to meet you!
gonekrazy replied to your post “Random personal stuff below the cut, school and things, feel free to…”
Yay you! Well done.
chasingriversong replied to your post “Random personal stuff below the cut, school and things, feel free to…”
Awesome work. Congratulations!
Thank you guys!