To my tumblr buddies…








…who are having a down day, need a little pick-me-up, some good luck wishes, or just a general hug – here’s some smiling Clarky goodness for you.


…with a bonus side order of laughter


To everyone who needs this gorgeous, happy face on their dash but in particular for today @crazymaryt, @ddagent, @howdoyourespond, @fitzmackotp, @emyrldlady, @cakeisnotpie, @thepurpletie797 – take care x

Mmmm, yummy. Thank you.

@mrskaderbeck 🙂

AWWW very much needed!!! Thank you! Passing along to @ralkana

Well that’s a lovely afternoon pick-me-up! Thank you so much, and sharing the wealth:

@ladytian @alykat86 @chaosisorderly @raiining @desert-neon @adamantsteve @twangcat et al

Much obliged, ma’am!


Let me talk about Clark Gregg for a second.


So. Based on his FB and twitter and interviews, you would think he is the kind of guy who is super nice and sweet and fantastic. 


(This is a rambling story, because I’m really really really tired. Also, terrible phone pictures.)

So I went through his line today at ECCC. Picked out my picture to get signed. Chatted for a second with his agent dude, (who was also SUPER NICE and remembered me from Chloe Bennett’s line the day before.) He immediately teased me about not having my baby yet. I scooted over to Clark, and told him how much I’m loving SHIELD. He was very grateful and appreciative, and shook my hand after signing my picture. 


Then asked how I was feeling, indicating the baby bump. I told him how tired and excited I as, and mentioned how the day before, Chloe practically knocked her table over in her excitement to rub my belly. Then he asked when I was due. When I told him Wednesday, his mouth fell open. He immediately told me I looked great, and asked if I knew what I was having, and if we had a name. I told him a girl, and her name is going to be Annika. He grinned, told me that he has a daughter, and that she is the greatest thing ever. Then he looked at his agent, nodded, GRABBED ANOTHER PHOTO, and did this:


He handed it over with a smile, and I did the only thing I could think of, which was work really hard to to cry. He leaned over the table, rubbed my belly, and wished me good luck. 

Then,to top it off, as I exited the line, I was handed a small bundle. Inside was a t-shirt.


I just can’t with this man.