It may interest you to know that this is currently my desktop background:
Also for your viewing pleasure we have Colin Firth as sexy academic!Harry Hart:
Or maybe CEO!Harry Hart doing the photoshoot for Time Magazine’s Person of the Year:
Or perhaps you prefer the unintentional smoulder:
Alternatively we can all enjoy the soccer dad aesthetic:
What about author!Harry Hart whose publicist insisted on a more recent picture for his new book:
Is there anyone more attractive than Colin Firth/Harry Hart?
To you my darling I have only this to say:
And finally just a little something for a fanfiction writer of your calibre to consider:
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I’m fully aware that if I were to change professions tomorrow, become an astronaut and be the first man to land on Mars, the headlines in the newspapers would read: ‹Mr. Darcy Lands on Mars.›