Thank you!
conductoroftardislight replied to your photo
dozmuffinxc replied to your photo
Lookin’ so cute, and dress ftw!

replied to your photo “I bought a plastic dinosaur because it was $1 and sometimes I am…”
That fic did strange things to me
I know. Not something I’d ever ship normally.

replied to your photoset “I was totally floored by this surprise in my mailbox today. Thanks…”

How cool!
I love all my amazing, talented, friends
When I see your URL I think super cutie in a tiny serving (because dab)
Lol. It’s Merinda B technically. But yeah I get merindab a lot since that’s how it’s spelled, doesn’t bother me.

What’s my reputation? What do you think when you see my URL?
replied to your post
replied to your photo “The other thing I got…”
house-of-chemical-wolves said:Dude, you’re totally cute.
You guyssss

Thank you though
replied to your photo “The other thing I got this weekend was this Torchwood glass.”
You’re incredibly cute though what is this
Lol, I’m really not that cute. But thank you

conductoroftardislight replied to your post “stitchyfollows replied to your photoseti would so date jack’s jacket….”
I love you okay

conductoroftardislight replied to your post: “We were talking about Jurassic World and this conversation happened:…”:
Oh god… I feel so young
I’m pretty sure I’m twice your age…