




why does every white man above 40 yrs old apparenty own a cowboy hat and cowboy boots and a leather jacket. whhy

What the fuck. Is this a real thing.

Okay if this were universally true I would go out and get lesbian nautical stars tattooed from head to foot and never come within a hundred miles of a penis ever again because EEEEEEEEEEEEEUGH no.

(Um, what I mean is, AFAIK no, this is not universally true. But I may live in a parallel universe where rational, non stomach churning white males occasionally occur in nature. In fact, this is likely the case because the stuff I hear makes me seriously wonder)

I live in Texas, and this is def something that occurs here. Maybe not every one, but it’s frequent. (My hubby kinda does this sometimes, sans the leather jacket, and he’s 42)

Okay now all I can think of is Ted Mosby and his red cowboy boots:

Hubby doesn’t have red boots (thank God), but there at least 3 pairs of brown ones, in my sight. I don’t normally posts photos of the hubs on here, you can’t see the boots, but here.