most amusing reactions to coriolanus screenings:
most amusing reactions to coriolanus screenings:
1) omg thAt gUY kiSSEd thAT otHEr gUy what is happening?? do they haVE tHe GaY?
2) “Coriolanus’s death scene…” WHAAAAAAT he dieS? sPoiLeR! SPOILER SPOILERY SPOILER! HOW DARE YOU!
Guys, it’s a Shakespearean tragedy. It’s gonna start out homoerotic and end up bloody. You have literally had five hundred years to figure this out.
That last bit really needs a graphic of some kind.
… I feel a calling for this. I think I will give it a try.
*cackles darkly and mutters something about ‘plans’ and ‘coming together’*
… and wow, I sort of just proved the point, didn’t I?
So I did the thing….