Hello~ A question just popped into my head and I wanted to ask you: Are you pleased with where you are in terms of your art? Don’t get me wrong, I think you’re amazing, but do you have a solid goal in mind of where you’d like to be, or do you like your style as it is? I ask because I ask myself this question all the time. Sorry if it’s invasive…


I guess I’m pleased with what I can do, but I’m also aware of my limitations and where I struggle, so I feel like there is a lot I can still improve on. I don’t think you can have a solid goal when it comes to art, since it’s such a long, evolving process; I notice something I’m lacking, I work on it, I improve that thing, move on to the next thing. The things can be anything from overall color palettes to how I draw eyelashes. Becoming “good” at art is a long process full of many small goals, no single large one, and it doesn’t end until you quit or you die. That’s the beautiful thing about art. You never know everything. You can become skilled, even masterful, but you’re never done.

Getting discouraged or being unhappy with your work makes the process a chore, and more difficult to continue working at it and improving. I’m always pleased with what I draw even if it could be better, because the act of creating it is pleasure for me, and I also know that if I keep doing it, I’ll be better in a month and a year and in ten years. I don’t really mind waiting.

I hope you don’t mind me publishing this :)) This is something I feel pretty strongly about the art process so I wanted to share it.

This also applies to writing