
so john and sherlock are at their wedding ceremony, and sherlock, idiotically in all his planning, forgot to inform the celebrant not to say his full name. so when she says, “john hamish watson, do you take william sherlock scott holmes to be your husband,” sherlock bites down on his tongue, john bursts into fits of giggles, and all their guests, bar the holmes family, are sitting shocked like “his name is william???????”


I’d like to thank the makers of sherlock for releasing the pilot so we know what teen sherlock looked like


I mean look at that little bb genius


if you don’t think this is the cutest shit I don’t know what to say to you


look poor teenaged Sherlock’s gone and got a drink in his face at the pub, maybe if he weren’t such a dick


partied a lil too hard there buddy, it’s okay adorable pilot lestrade will help you out


this concludes my thank you