vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
by candlelight
“You always reach for the light,” Cas said suddenly, as though he was simply continuing an entirely different conversation. “Put a man in a dark cave and put a candle some distance away from him – ten feet, a mile – and he’ll always venture towards it. Even when it goes out, he’ll keep going in that direction. It’s as though humans are starved for light.”
This is beautiful
It doesn’t have to be a demon
I’m poison, Cas
No you’re not
Do you want to smite a demon?
Or gank a witch, come on lets go
I think a talk is long and overdue
I’ve started talking to the bees that buzz around
(you keep buzzing bees)
I’m feeling really lonely
Even with Sam here
I just really want to see youDean
Please, I know you’ve heard me
Please let me help you feel okay
Sam says leave you be, That’s impossible
I can’t leave you alone, I-I love you
You know we need each other
We make a great team
You know that it is true
Do you want to smite a demon?