
A lot of people have been asking for this, so this week is your chance! Baby Winchesters! High school Baker Street boys! TARDIS teens! Hanging out, having slumber parties, making pillow forts, saving the world—Make it adorable and make it so!

You can use the versions of the characters that appear in the comic or just play in the general SWLverse, it’s up to you. And if you don’t dig the theme you can always send in more random askbox fics or do something based on the comic, believe me, I don’t mind! So:

  1. Write fics (askbox length or full) make gifs, draw things, and generally do what you do.
  2. Submit your awesome thing here or post it to your own blog by Friday with #superwholockthecomic as one of the first five tags.
  3. Get your work featured on the blog on Friday and get a teaser for the comic in your inbox as a reward!

Make art, have fun, and be fab! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

For those of you who like getting an early start, next week will be a species change AU, like mermaids or elves or timelords etc. 

And I’m gonna send out a big batch of overdue teasers after Friday!