
10′s “walk around like you own the place” all the way to 12′s punching of a racist and 13′s explicit acknowledgement of how much safer the past is for her than her companions is honestly such a glow up

Honestly? I kind of liked that the bad dude was racist too. It’s showing that yes, racism is still there, even in the future. Just because things change doesn’t mean it ever goes completly away.


Why Rosa is so good

Never once you hear “racism is wrong”.

They didn’t fall into that huge trap.

What I mean is, the episode wasn’t overly melodramatic, they didn’t play violins and sad music, they didn’t try to show racism is wrong – because anyone with a functional brain already knows racism is immensely stupid, people already know it’s wrong.

They didn’t focus on the negativity of racism.

They focused on the sheer positivity of that wonderful and amazing woman.

The end wasn’t, “what happened to this woman was horribly wrong”.

The end was, “that woman kicks arses and she was badass enough to make a stand and fight for her rights, and she changed the whole bloody future”.

I loved it. This was the message I wanted to see in this episode. This was the kind of message I want to see in Doctor Who. It was amazing.