Let’s play a game.
Type the following words into your tags box, then post the first automatic tag that comes up.
you, also, what, when, why, how, look, because, neverThese are amazing.
Just another WordPress site
Let’s play a game.
Type the following words into your tags box, then post the first automatic tag that comes up.
you, also, what, when, why, how, look, because, neverThese are amazing.
sometimes I think back to the interviews Christopher Eccleston did while he was the Doctor and how he talked about how great it was that the series was moving away from the sexism of previous series and then I look at the show now and I just feel so sad
Wait. Not sad. What’s the other thing?
People were talking about how it would suck if Moffat wrote an episode of Supernatural and I had to agree and then I made a thing of what it would probably be like and got carried away.
steven moffat: there’s no vacancy in doctor who, peter’s going to be around for a while.
fans: sweetie
I rewatched a Nine episode the other day, but it didn’t hit me until I was rereading some things I had written about “The Robots of Sherwood” that my expectations for a good episode of this show have fallen from “compelling plot with excellent characterization and a healthy dose of introspection about the nature of humanity” to “nothing in this episode was actively incomprehensible, poorly characterized, or offensive.”
I don’t have much of a point beyond that at the moment, that’s just a really depressing idea to contemplate.
The Doctor: For instance, you, gobby one!
Shona: I have a name, actually.
The Doctor: Doesn’t matter, I don’t need it.
This stuff pisses me off so much because: